VIRTUAL Family Yoga for Kids with Special Needs
Tuesday, April 2010:00—10:35 AMVirtual Programming - Register to receive participation information
For kids ages 6 - 12 with their grownup
Sweet Pea FAMILY Yoga for Kids with Special Needs invites your whole family to learn yoga during a fun, active time together! The yoga poses we’ll enjoy learn are flexible for varying abilities, interests, and comfort while adding healthy, directed movement that kids crave. Adults and siblings will love the opportunity to participate too as we explore a variety of beneficial yoga postures for increasing body awareness, strengthening coordination, and better balance.
We’ll learn yoga poses and activities with gently-paced movement and practice breathing techniques for settling down and feeling centered. This will be a calmly taught class free from background music or layered stimulation.
The instruction for this class is tailored to 6-12 year old students with special needs who will be practicing with an adult. Siblings encouraged to join alongside!
No prior yoga experience (or yoga mat) is required for kids or adults. What to have: - Internet connection and a way to watch the class via Zoom. -Space for all participants to move freely (perhaps move coffee table or lamps out of the way). - Access to a wall or a tall-backed chair can be very helpful for balancing poses.
Bio: Alexandra De Collibus of Sweet Pea Yoga has been 100% focused on families from the day she began teaching yoga 18 years ago! Alexandra’s classes are beloved for providing a grounded, calm, supportive space where kids and families can develop a yoga and meditation practice in a classical approach. She aims to help kids attune their emotional and physical compass by helping them cultivate sensitivity to their experiences within poses or during meditation by offering choices and encouraging independent thought. With an eye toward building emotional resilience as much as strength, flexibility, and focus, her classes center the importance of learning effective techniques for reducing stress and anxiety which her students can feel confident applying beyond the studio walls.
At King Elementary in Framingham, Alexandra implemented a robust before-school yoga program to help students start their school day with healthy movement, meditation, and a calm frame of mind. During Covid, this class has been expanded to include the entire school population and their families!
You might have Alexandra teaching Baby Yoga on TV in Animal Planet’s The Most Extreme or have read about her in Parents Magazine, USA Today, or seen her featured in the educational publication ScooNews. Alexandra offers weekly classes for kids and teens via Zoom and a variety of ongoing events for babies, kids, teens, and families.
Registration for this event has now closed.